Equations and philosophies

-Maybe God moves natural things and maybe he doesn’t, but what difference would it make to the equations?

-Whatever can move things is “energy” as far as physics is concerned. All theisms believe God moves things.

-When atheists convert or believers apostatize, what changes in the equations?

-“We know there are natural causes, so positing additional causes violates parsimony” But the physical theory we are starting with sees energy as “whatever moves,” and God is as much a “whatever moves” as anything else. See Newton to Bentley: Gravity must be caused by an agent acting constantly according to certain laws; but whether this agent be material or immaterial, I have left open to the consideration of my reader. So if we know these parsimonious purely natural causes by some extra-theoretical knowledge, fine, but let’s be clear that the theory isn’t our justification.

-Force gauges give the same reading whether hit intentionally or by accident; whether blindly or with foresight (Lat. providentia)

-Note the previous doesn’t make it more parsimonious to assume that force meters are never hit with foresight, even in the times where we don’t know what hit them.